Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Last week was spring break. It was so great to be off for a while. The first couple of days were all about me. I read, slept and mostly did nothing. My niece, Bonnie and her family came from Texas to visit for a few days. It was a great way to spend the rest of my time off. It snowed the first few days. The kids had a blast, they couldn't get enough of it. I went with them to the Thanksgiving Point Dinosaur Museum - we were there for about five hours! I think my favorite part was watching the kids play in the sand and water. On Sunday we had some family come over to visit. It was great to see Chuck, Angie and their families. We had such a great time.

We've been watching the wildlife move back to their summer homes. On Friday a bull elk and his harem were walking up the road on the ridge behind our house. It was so funny to watch them marching single-file up the road. I guess that's easier than pushing through the brush. One night last week Jerry called me upstairs to see a Huge owl at the top of our deck eaves. He shined a light on him - he just sat there and looked at us with his big, round eyes. Then he went silently into the night and was gone. We woke up one Saturday to a tapping sound on the side of the house....a woodpecker was digging the bugs out of the space between our storm drain and the house. He was a busy, noisy bird. We had to clear a cute little song bird and his nest out of our deck heater. We watched about eight hawks flying around on Saturday. And we have too many deer on the hillside to count. I even saw a fox on my way home from work the other night. The WildLife is exciting around our house!