Wednesday, April 11, 2012

So....It's been awhile....

Two reasons I don't keep my blog up 
   1. Procrastination. Speaks for itself. 
   2. Intimidation. The blogs I follow are so amazing and everyone else has a much more interesting life than I do.....Although I Love, Love, Love my life - and - my family, friends, and librarians I work with.

I was inspired to post on my blog this morning by Audrey who wrote the best note to Jett about his first year. Really, you should read this -

It's Spring Break - it even feels like spring. Yesterday I took some of the grandkids to the Hogle Zoo. I've been to the zoo a million times, but there's nothing like seeing it through the eyes of a four-year-old. The size of an elephant, the gorilla sitting with his nose against the glass staring you in the eyes, the smell of hay as the giraffe is fed, the world of a child is truly magical. Of course, when I asked the kids what they liked best about the zoo? "The Store!" 

Today we walked at The Gardens at Thanksgiving Point. I'm at a loss for words - no really, me... Unfortunately I forgot my camera - and my phone, an excuse to go back soon and take pics.